Success through team performance
We support organizational leaders to achieve measurable, rapid and sustained performance and quality of work-life improvements resulting in success through team performance.
We work with you to achieve productivity improvements through teams, at all levels. Our role is not to run courses or perform other activities that your internal people could do better. Rather, we work with you to achieve the highest levels of organizational effectiveness, resulting in sustained bottom-line improvements.
We are experienced, implementation specialists.
Book an obligation free clarity call to discuss our programs and your requirements.
Online Access, on our Learning Management System, or yours, to all five Sacher Associates courses:
- A Commonsense Approach to Business Planning
- Performance Measures Applied
- Performance Linked Communication
- Success Through Team Performance
- Performance Linked Learning
Discover how we can help your business increase productivity and improve performance:
- Discussion on consulting requirements
- Diagnostic review of your company
- Multiple User Access
- Access to Sacher Associates exclusive closed Facebook Group
- Customised courses and delivery solutions
Sacher Associates Consulting Services is an international consulting company that supports organizational leaders to achieve best practice levels of productivity, performance and quality of working life. Established for over 30 years, we have worked in many industries, and in over 25 countries.
Our clients include global companies like; Mobil, BHP, ABB, Coca Cola, Toll, and BHP as well as all levels of Governments, the Military, and medium to small organisations from all industries.
If people are more productive at work they can be happier which flows through to their families and to society. We are committed to contributing to the twin goals of simultaneously improving productivity and quality of working life.
No problems can withstand human beings, blessed with limitless potential, working effectively in organizations.
Some of our published client results:
• Man-hours per Unit down by 23.5%
• Unified sense of direction amongst team leaders up 14.4%
• Time customers off supply 241% improvement
• 30% improvement in sick leave
• Time lost due to accidents 322 to 33 days.
• Time lost due to industrial disputes down from 250 to 15 days.
• Dividends paid to owners increased by $130 million over a 5-year period.
• Operating expenditure reduces by 23% over a 5-year period.
• 97% of stakeholder responses indicated a high level of stakeholder satisfaction.
Does your organisation have a unified sense of direction and an effective strategic planning system? Do you have a performance measurement system that allows for role clarity, the acceptance of responsibility, and genuine engagement? How effective is your communication, and reward systems?
We implement the 10 essential components and systems of team performance to achieve the above. These can be implemented remotely, delivered virtually or in person, and are covered in our five core in-house or online learning courses and in our consulting services.
Each course can be implemented individually, yet together the series forms a formidable performance improvement system for gaining sustainable advantage through people. These courses together comprise a holistic approach recognizing that organizational success cannot be achieved by tinkering with one or another component.
Sustained success can only be achieved through a totally integrated approach.
Essential performance systems
These systems will translate the vision into the everyday activities of the people doing the work.
Organisation development
We believe that given the right work environment, 97% of large technical organisations will perform.
Customised material
We have the ability to deploy our expertise in digital and written form, tailored to specific needs.
Employee surveys
We provide a set of measures to assess how team members view their work environment or culture and we tailor surveys to your needs.
Our learning system is based on an analysis of organizational goals and the development of integrated and prioritised learning solutions.
We offer a suite of practical custom-designed in-house and public workshops, at a fraction of the cost of public alternatives.
Discover how we can help your business increase productivity and improve performance:
- Discussion on consulting requirements
- Diagnostic review of your company
- Individual and Team solutions
- Introduction to our Online Courses
- Customised courses and delivery solutions

Book a clarity call today and we'll also send you our e-book What do I do on Monday morning?
The book helps you get started on performance improvement using a sequence of practical daily actions and advice.
Book an obligation free clarity call to discuss how our programs can help you.
Book your call today
Our Clients:

How to fine-tune your performance management system
Do you struggle to control the delivery of measurable results by the people that you lead? Wouldn't it be great if they stopped micromanaging each other, and were more empowered and engaged, and less apathetic? What…
What do I do on Monday morning?
What do I do on Monday morning? This phrase has stayed with me for more than 20 years.
Workplace Wars. How to win.
No problem in this world or beyond can withstand human beings, blessed with limitless potential, working effectively in organizations. If people are productive at work, they are happier not just at work, but with their families…
How to implement a unified sense of direction: The 10 Musts.
What is a unified sense of direction and how do you develop one? The first essential component of team performance is a unified sense of direction. A unified sense of direction can best be summed up…
The five pathways to Organizational Effectiveness
It is very easy to lose your way on the road to organizational effectiveness. It can be dispiriting to work in an environment that lacks clear direction, coordination, and role clarity.
The Future of Organization Effectiveness
Do your team and organization have a unified sense of direction, (the unique contribution of the leader), a strategic plan effectively being implemented, a bulletproof measurement and performance management system that provides role clarity and accountability?
Our Clients: