Performance Measures Applied - Sacher Associates
Performance Measures Applied

Performance Measures Applied


Publisher: Independent Pubs

Author: Harold Monty Sacher and Merryl Sacher

Format: Hardback

Pages: 276

Size: 250mm x 180mm

Released: 3rd Edition January 2016

Click here to view the EBook version

A potent system for measuring and managing performance: individual performance, team performance, and organizational performance.With case studies and examples from both the private and public sectors, this is a practical book that enables you to build a performance measurement/management system that you can implement without delay.

Formulated in the engine rooms of industry - on shop floors and in boardrooms - Performance Measures Applied is a performance strategy that comes from years of experience working with people who are the backbone of business - workers, team leaders, and managers. It is no academic treatise. It is a tried and tested pathway to measurable, definable, performance improvement.

If performance on the job is not measured, then performance improvement remains a myth. You may do your best to introduce a total quality approach, benchmark, empower the workforce, build teams, strike an enterprise agreement - but for what purpose and how sustainable if you cannot measure the output and the improvements, and control variance? Measuring performance is integral to achieving business goals. Without it visions and goals remain just dreams. 

Performance Measures Applied is a jargon-free, practical guide, a tried and tested pathway to measurable, definable performance improvement. The "back to basics" formula presented in this manual, works in product, service or public sector environments alike, in small and large organizations, within divisions and across companies and locations.

Performance Measure Applied was written to help you:

  • Measure performance so that you can improve
  • Align daily activities with your organization's/team's vision
  • Focus your organization on the output requirements of your customers 

It provides a step-by-step process to build an effective performance measurement/management system that works showing how to: 

  •     Identify stakeholders and customers
  •     Identify outputs
  •     Develop performance measures
  •     Set targets
  •     Construct a balanced scorecard
  •     Give performance feedback against targets

Book content

The book is in three parts. 

  • Part One being the introduction and how the performance management system works,
  • Part Two, the seven modules of the plan itself and
  • Part Three, implementation with experience-based guidelines and actual examples to aid implementation.

There are ten easy to read modules, divided into the three parts: While each module can stand alone, together they form a comprehensive performance management system.Each module contains examples, summaries, checklists, glossaries and quality standards. In addition, two modules are dedicated to guidelines for implementing a performance measurement system, the most common pitfalls, and case studies.

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